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- Richard D. Alexander

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Richard D. Alexander is an Emeritus Professor and Emeritus Curator of Insects at the Museum of Zoology of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Prof. Alexander scientific pursuits integrate the fields of systematics, ecology, evolution, natural history and behaviour; the salient organisms in his research are equally wide-ranging, from the orthopterans (grasshoppers, katydids and crickets) and cicadidae (cicadas) to vertebrates: dogs, horses, primates, and, of course, humans.


Richard D. Alexander obtained bachelors of science from Blackburn College (Carlinville, Illinois) in 1948 and his PhD from Ohio State University in 1956. Dr. Alexander taught for over 40 years two graduate courses in alternate fall semesters: evolutionary ecology and evolution and behaviour; during these semesters he dedicated all his time to prepare his lecture materials -fresh and up-to-date every year- which included many a time novel, provocative ideas from his own students and university colleagues; amongst which Prof. Donald W. Tinkle, curator of herpetology at the UMMZ and evolutionary biologist, was very prominent until his death in 1980. His courses lectures were perhaps the most popular in the schools of natural sciences and natural resources at the university and were often attended by other faculty members and visiting students including many from the social sciences (anthropology, geography, sociology, psychology, et cetera).


Prof. Alexander publications are numerous and well known: the evolution of behaviour and its bearing on human nature have occupied a central place in his research at least since 1969 when he presented The search for an evolutionary philosophy of man in New Zealand. Now, that he is retired from the academy (only nominally, as he remains very active), he devotes most of his time to his horse farm, where he breeds, reins, trains and ride them. But even in this so empirical a field he has managed to fully utilise his evolutionary philosophy; nowadays his lecture tours include meetings with professionally interested horse breeders and his most recent publications are devoted to that topic.

On the animal nature of humans

On horses

Teaching Yourself to Train Your Horse. Woodlane Farm Books. ISBN 0-9712314-0-0 2001

Children's reading

Distinctions and awards

Quelle (04.2008): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_D._Alexander

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